2018-19 MED HARVEST OUTLOOK Most of the olive oil producing countries on the Mediterranean shores are experiencing their “down” cycle this season. Among the majors, Greece will produce around 240,000 metric tons, down from a peak of 360,000mt last year, Tunisia 160,000 mt vs. 280,000mt and Italy, hit by frost...
Category: News
NEWS 16 AUG, 2018 US colleges show concern over the quality and the dietary benefits of the food their students will be consuming on campus over their four years of studies. It seems that college entrants place value on the food offerings before they select the institution they will attend....
NEWS 1 MAY, 2018 The new harvest of our Extra Virgin Olive Oils and our red wine Vinegar were delivered to our Beaufort, S.C. storage unit on April 30th; a birthday gift for George! The oils were harvested and pressed in late January 2018 and canned on the Co-op premises...
NEWS JAN 2018 As harvest approaches the end of its 2017-18 crop, global production estimates have become more accurate. The Mediterranean harvest sees global leader Spain drop by 15% to 1,000,000 metric tons, Italy edge back up to 2nd place with 320,000 tons (+78%) ahead of Greece with 300,000 tons...
NEWS 30 OCT 2017 They are praying for rain in Italy and Greece. Estimates of high output have been tempered by lack of rain. Italy’s estimated olive oil output is at 250,000 tons, with Tuscany suffering the most. Greece’s drop will slightly exceed Italy’s production for the third consecutive year....