Category: News

Prices Rise

An exceptionally low, cyclical harvest in Greece this year has shot the price of the prized Laconia extra virgin olive oil to a world leading level exceeding $4 per liter in late January 2014 bulk auctions. The top Italian extra virgins are at $3.80 and the Spanish at $ 3.25....


2013 – 14 Harvest

Last year’s harvest of table and oil olives in Greece were at a fifty year high. Normally, the year after a high yield harvest, the trees produce a reduced amount of fruit, giving them a chance to regain their strength. But the 2013 crop suffered further from unusually warm and...


Happy Repeat Customer

This is Babes. She bought oil from us at the Port Royal Market last spring. She lives in Michigan and brought her bottle along when she revisited Beaufort this fall for a refill… Loves the oil! I also had some one in Bluffton who brought last year and lives out...