Category: News

Massive Fraud in Store-Bought Olive Oil (69% Found to Be FAKE)

(March 2013; source: UC Davis, N.Y. Times, CBS and other Media)

Did you catch the explosive story about widespread olive oil fraud just published in The New York Times?

The article is called “Extra Virgin Suicide,” and it reports that much of the olive oil sold in your local supermarket is adulterated with soybean and other cheap oils. Some of these fake oils are even doused with illegal chemicals to make them look like authentic olive oil.


Prices Rise

An exceptionally low, cyclical harvest in Greece this year has shot the price of the prized Laconia extra virgin olive oil to a world leading level exceeding $4 per liter in late January 2014 bulk auctions. The top Italian extra virgins are at $3.80 and the Spanish at $ 3.25....


2013 – 14 Harvest

Last year’s harvest of table and oil olives in Greece were at a fifty year high. Normally, the year after a high yield harvest, the trees produce a reduced amount of fruit, giving them a chance to regain their strength. But the 2013 crop suffered further from unusually warm and...